Over the past 16
years we've been asked many thousands of questions. Some questions or types of
questions keep popping up, so we've created this Frequently Asked Questions
(FAQs) list to answer them. If you still have questions after reading these,
feel free to contact me.
Q: Do you have a 1990s (or 60s) site? A: We will have a 90s site in beta very soon! We are also working
on a solution for fans of the 50s and 60s. Stay tuned!
Q: What are the websites you do have? A: There are a few (Super70s.com,
Awesome80s.com, Virtual90s.com,
PopCultureverse.com). Read our
About page for more information.
Q: What is [your rare object] worth? A: I have no idea. There are many price
guides that offer such advice. However, the best answer is the marketplace
and eBay makes it easy. Just search
on completed items to see what items like yours have sold for recently. (You
must be a member to search on completed items, but membership
is free.)
Q: Why wasn't my feedback
comment added to the page? A: I may not have had a chance to review your comments yet, but rest
assured that more than 90% of feedbacks do eventually get published. I have no
set schedule and must admit that I have taken months to get some feedback posted
in the past.
However, it is possible that your comments were rejected. I do not
have time to explain why on a case-by-case basis but here are the most common
reasons for rejection:
You posted a link to another site. Unfortunately spammers are everywhere
and I had no choice but to automatically delete all entries with links. This
is mentioned on the feedback page.
The feedback's grammar and punctuation were beyond repair. I don't often
edit feedback, but I will fix up a little problem here or there. If the
feedback is filled with such errors, it's rejected as stated on the feedback
The feedback rambled on about irrelevant and uninteresting subjects. Some
would say that is all I do, but I have to draw the line somewhere;
these comments, once posted, could be here for decades (or more) to come.
Please make them interesting and your descendants will thank you (as will
Hate-filled tirades make for interesting reading, but not here. If you
cannot explain your differences like an adult, then your feedback will be
deleted and you'll be asked to stand in the corner until you can calm down!
Q: Can I use the information on your site for my
school report? A: Of course! You don't need my permission to do so, but you have it.
Through early 2003, I did not take credit for any of the articles I wrote
because it wasn't important for me. Your requests made me realize it was
important for proper citation and I've tried to update every article to include
an author at the top just below the headline. If you find an article that does
not show an author, it was written by (Patrick Mondout). As I rarely date
articles and often update them, you should put down 2015
as the year it was published.
Q: Are you fair and balanced? A: Certainly more so than the company that sued a certain humorist over
the use of that term. While I aim to be fair and accurate with the articles on
this site, my experiences and beliefs cannot help but inform my writing. I am a
liberal and I am a conservative and that's not just lip service. Which one you
think I am depends up which subject you are reading about. Extremists on both
sides have quite good reasons to hate me as much as those in the middle do and
all three groups have much in common with me as well.
All of that is of little consequence here since I let you provide feedback on
virtually every page. No, I won't let you spew hate, call me a moron or question
my manhood (unless you are an ex-girlfriend), but you are welcome to disagree
and explain to our readers why I am wrong; the site will be better because of
your alternative views. If you want more than that you will leave sorely
Q: How come there are so many typos in the
feedback? Don't you guys have an editor? A: When I read feedback, I make an instant judgment about whether or not
it stays. I have to choose between deleting an otherwise interesting feedback
and using the time on something else, like creating a whole new section. Thus, I
rarely edit. I admit I let too many poor feedbacks slip through in the early
days, but I will correct that. In any case, we charge you nothing to read our
web sites and thus have nothing to answer for.
Q: What equipment/software do you use to create
this site? (Click here to skip to next question.) A: Since a question like that can be loaded, let me start by saying that
I have owned the following computers since 1982: Vic-20, Commodore 64,
Amiga 1000 & 2000, 21 Macintoshes, an Apple IIc, three NeXTStations, and
around 30 PCs (from an original 16K IBM PC to the dual Pentium 4 Dell I am using
to compose this paragraph right now). Thus I have a pretty good feel for the
merits of various operating systems and hardware. That said, I am not
recommending my setup to you. Why not? I honestly feel that if you understand
the advantages and disadvantages of Linux, Windows, and the Macintosh, you
cannot go wrong with any of them as anything is now possible with all
three. My choice is based primarily on my background and training and should
make perfect sense to you, whatever your favorite OS.
So, to actually answer the question:
Graphics software:
I have used Adobe Photoshop since version 2.52 for the Macintosh and now use
version 7.0 for Windows. It is the one non-Microsoft piece of software I have
always bought and is truly a world-class work of software engineering.
HTML editor: I tried NetObjects Fusion and
Vermeer's FrontPage back in the early days and settled on FrontPage. That was before
Microsoft bought the company that made it. I use it strictly for entering and
editing text - nothing more. I do not like Front Page's "advanced
features" and write all the advanced stuff in ASP 3.0 myself. Once you
get used to its idiosyncrasies, it is a great HTML editor - just don't ask too
much of it.
OS: Though I've used just about every OS ever
written for a microcomputer (including Tanenbaum's
Minix and BeOS), it's hard for me to imagine relying on anything other
than a version of NT. That doesn't mean, however, that I necessarily think it
is better than [your favorite operating system]. My first job out of college
was at Microsoft doing
tech support for Windows 3.0 and I have never stopped learning about
its derivatives. People debate the merits of operating systems constantly, but
when you know a particular OS as well as I do Windows, why would you ever
change? Thus, I used Windows 2003 Server and this web site is hosted on Windows
2003 Server.
Community: The forums software is produced by Telligent
and comes highly recommended. I spent literally years looking for decent
forums software and always gave up until I saw the alpha version of Community
Server 2.
Music FAQs
Q: What are the lyrics to [your favorite song]? A: I probably don't know. However, there are hundreds - perhaps thousands
- of sites providing lyrics to songs. I'm not sure of the legality of these
sites, but they are out there. Your best bet is to search at Google (use our
link at the top of the page) either with the song name or the words you remember
quotes, plus the word "lyrics" outside the quotes. I
have always been able to find the lyrics I was looking for this way. An example
for beginners: Click here
to see how I would find the lyrics to Seasons in the Sun by Terry Jacks without
knowing the artist.
Q: Why haven't you covered [your favorite
artist]??? They rocked! A: It's simply a matter of time. It would take paragraphs to explain why
those who have been covered are there, but the short version is that a few were
personal favorites and others were sort of random. Some damn good artists are
not here at all and I am troubled by that. Unfortunately nothing gets done on
this site unless I personally do it. It is very important to me that your
favorites are covered and I promise that they will be. If you want to help,
write a short biography for us and I'll expedite adding them.
Q: Where can I download MP3 files of these
songs? A: Not here. I wish I could open up a store to provide 70s and 80s music,
but I do not have the funds necessary to do so. I hope you will continue to
purchase music via our links to Amazon.com. ;)
Q: Where can I listen to your radio show? A: I don't have a radio show. It seems there is someone out there running
an Internet radio show using the term Super70s. I don't know anything more than
that but I can tell you it has nothing whatsoever to do with this web site.
Movie FAQs
Q: Why haven't you covered [your favorite
movie]? A: Haven't had time. The Super70s are pretty much done - with about 50
movies per year, but I still have some work to do in the Awesome80s. I
Q: Where can I get a video of [your favorite
out-of-print movie]? A: If you cannot find it at Amazon.com,
try our links to eBay.
Many movies that never appeared on legitimate videotapes end up on eBay and
sometimes that is the best you can hope for. If you are unfamiliar with eBay,
know this: Millions of items are added each week so if you don't find it this
week, try again next week. Virtually anything you could ever want is there at
some point.
Sports FAQs
Q: Why haven't you covered [your favorite sport,
athlete, or team]? A: Too much work and too little time. I will add these pages at the
earliest possible date.
Q: What is [your rare object] worth? A: I have no idea. There are many price
guides that offer such advice. However, the best answer is the marketplace
and eBay makes it easy. Just search
on completed items to see what items like yours have sold for recently. (You
must be a member to search on completed items, but membership
is free.)
Q: I, or my father, or my sister, or my
motorcycle, or my dog (I forget) appeared as an extra in [your favorite show].
Where can I get a tape or DVD of this show now? A: As far as we are aware, there are three main sources online. The first
are video retailers, such as Amazon.com.
The second are auction sites, such as eBay,
and the third is sometimes the only place you will ever find videos for a
particular show:
The popularity of DVD has made studios rethink the value of some of their old
shows and many are rushing to bring out old favorites. With cable stations like
TV Land and these
new DVDs, there has never been a better time to be a fan of classic
Use the links below to search for a particular program. Be sure to choose
"Entertainment" as the category with eBay.
One more potential source is the Museum
of Television in New York City. One of our readers points out, "you can
go in there and watch any episode of pretty much any show." I cannot
confirm this, but if true, it might be your only hope. They also have such a
museum in Los Angeles.
Q: Where can I get videotapes or DVDs of [your
favorite show]? A: Read the answer to the previous question.
Q: How can I get in touch with [your favorite TV
star]? A: I do not have this information. However, you might find what you are
looking for in Lee Ellis' The
Celebrity Address Book or one of many such
books. Please, no stalking! ;)
Q: Where can I get the theme song to [your
favorite TV show]? A: There are many compilations of TV theme songs on CD. Check here
for such CDs at Amazon.com.
Q: Do you know when/where [your favorite
program] is going to aired? A: Nope. Consult your local
Q: Why haven't you covered [your favorite show]? A: Purely a lack of time. We will get to all prime time shows plus many
children's shows and game shows eventually, but it takes time to create a site
with 10,000+ pages.
Q: [Your favorite show] was the greatest TV show
ever! Why did they take it off the air? A: Because it actually sucked. Either that or it appealed to the wrong
demographic for advertisers. Either that or it was up against a very
popular show and was never given a chance. Either that or it was so good
that only elites like yourself could understand it. Either that or [your
favorite star], the star of [your favorite show], wanted too much money to come
back for another season. Either that or the network just made a blissfully
ignorant mistake. In short, I don't know.
Thanks for visiting!
Patrick Mondout,
Founder of Super70s.com