The Warriors By Tom Keogh
Walter Hill's controversial 1979 drama was blamed for causing gang
violence at theaters, but now it looks as highly stylized and pulpy as
Hill (Last Man Standing) intended. The plot finds a New York gang
having to cross the territory of rivals in order to get to their own
'hood. A sort of urban Western with a comic-book pace, artificial colors,
fable-like tone, and broad acting, the film isn't intended to steep us in
gritty realities so much as spin a decadent fantasy out of them. Still,
this is a tough film with an almost futuristic element to its
characterizations of gang activity, and it is more absorbing than Hill's
more elaborate youth opera of punk wars, Streets of Fire.
Share Your Memories!Is The Warriors one of your favorite movies? What do you remember about it? Share your stories (or your reviews) with the world! (We print the best stories right here!)
Your Memories Shared! |
"Hi from New Zealand, the Super70s was an era of survival for many youth in New Zealand and one way or method of survival was the gangs. The Warriors was an idea or thought that was very similar to New Zealand Street Warfare I suppose. I ralated very well to this Super70s icon movie. I am more mature now and in a sence I still struggle for survival.
Thanks heaps Bro's & Sis" --The papa | "Not even Starsky and Hutch could have got back to Coney Island like The Warriors did! [Editor's note: Which makes me wish there had been a sequel with "The Warriors" gang consisting of Clint "Dirty Harry" Eastwood, Robert "Taxi Driver" De Niro, Sylvester "Rambo" Stallone, and Charles "Death Wish" Bronson! Die punks!]" --agar5 | "Still one of my favourite movies even though it dates back to 1979.
The atmosphere of the movie is a rare mix of rawness, anxiety and something you usually get in b or c-movies... I don't know if it was the director's intention but it sure worked out well!!
Note: Biohazard fans should recognize some textlines from their first album!!!" --Stefan Van Heester | "I was 17 or 18 when I first saw this movie as a college freshman.
I was excited by the gang dramatization and the fast pace of the movie. What impressed me the most was the realistic action sequences and the closeness of the warriors as they fought to survive. I believe I gained some strength from it since I was considered to be an undersized under-dog on campus (about 5'5" as a man who wouldn't back down easily). In some way, this movie inspired me to be my best and all I could ever be." --Wildfire | "It's without a doubt the best fighting film of all time!" --CAM |