Natural Disasters of the Super70sBy Patrick Mondout
Major natural disasters of the Super70s are shown below with the number
of fatalities shown in parenthesis.
July 31 1970, Hurricane Celia
in Cuba, Florida, and Texas (31)
August 5 & August 20-21 1970, Hurricane Dorothy, in Martinique (42)
September 15 1970, Typhoon Georgia in the Philippines (300)
October 14 1970, Typhoon Sening in the Philippines (583)
October 15 1970, Typhoon Titang in the Philippines (526)
November 13 1970, Cyclone-driven tidal waves in Bangladesh (300,000+)
September 10-30, 1971 Hurricane
Ginger (0)
August 1 1971, Typhoon Rose in Hong Kong (130)
October 29, 1971, Cyclone in Northeastern India (10,000+)
June 19-29 1972, Hurricane Agnes
from Florida to New York (134)
December 3 1972, Typhoon Theresa in the Philippines (169)
June 11 1974, Storm Dinah in the Philippines (71)
July 11 1974, Typhoon Gilda in Japan and South Korea (108)
August 29-September 10 1974, Hurricane
Carmen in the U.S. (1)
September 14-22 1974, Hurricane Fifi
in Honduras (8,000+)
December 25 1974, Cyclone in Darwin, Australia (50)
September 13-27 1975, Hurricane
Eloise in the Caribbean and Northeast U.S. (76)
May 20 1976, Typhoon Olga floods the Philippines (215)
August 8-10, 1976, Hurricane Belle
in the Northeastern U.S. (12)
January/February 1977, blizzard in
Buffalo and the Northeastern U.S.
July 25 & 31 1977, Typhoons Thelma & Vera in Taiwan (39)
September 2, 1977, Hurricane Anita
in Mexico (0)
November 19 1977, Cyclone in Southeastern India (20,000+)
October 27 1978, Typhoon Rita in the Philippines (400+)
January 12-14 1979, blizzard in Chicago
and from the Rockies to the Great Lakes (99)
May 12-13 1979, Cyclone in Southeastern India (369)
July 11 1979, Hurricane Bob in
Southern United States (1)
August 30-September 7 1979, Hurricane
David in the Caribbean and Eastern U.S. (2,000+)
September 1979, Hurricane
Frederic (5)
hurricane seasons |
Thanks to the USGS, we also have detailed listings of U.S. floods by
year: 1970, 1971,
1972, 1973, 1974,
1975, 1976, 1977,
1978, 1979, 1980s.
May 20 1970, in Central Romania (160)
July 22 1970, in the Indian Himalayas (500)
February 26 1971, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (130)
February 26 1972, in Buffalo Creek, West Virginia (118)
June 9 1972, in Rapid City, South Dakota (236)
August 7 1972, in the Philippines (454)
August 19-31 1972, in Pakistan (1,500+)
March-May of 1973, along
the Mississippi River (26).
June-August 1973, Monsoon rains near Bandrinath, India (1,217)
March 29 1974, in Tubaro, Brazil (1,000)
August 12 1974, in Monty-Long, Bangladesh (2,500+)
June 5 1976, the Teton Dam collapsed in Idaho (11)
July 31 1976, in Big Thompson
Canyon, Colorado (139)
November 17 1976, in East Java, Indonesia (136)
July 19-20 1977, in Johnstown, Pennsylvania (68)
November 6 1977, in Toccoa, Georgia (39)
June-September 1978, in Northern India (1,200)
January-February 1979, in Brazil (204)
July 17 1979, in Indonesia (539)
August 11 1979, in Morvi, India (15,000)
February 21, 2024
in the Mississippi Delta (115).
May 26-27 1973 in the South and Midwest (47).
April 3-4 1974 in Alabama, Tennessee, Georgia, Kentucky and Ohio (315).
April 4 1977 in Alabama. Mississippi and Georgia (22).
April 10 1979 in Texas and Oklahoma (60).
Source: NOAA.