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By Patrick Mondout

What is cryptozoology and why are we devoting a valuable page to it? Cryptozoology is defined as the study of creatures whose existence has not be substantiated. An honest politician would be one example, but the most popular exhibits at an imaginary Crypto-Zoo (which, if it existed, would have to be located in Roswell, New Mexico) would be the Abominable Snowman, the Loch Ness Monster, and Bigfoot.

While the origins of these cryptozoological creatures predates the Super70s, interest in them nearly hit mythological proportions in the middle of our favorite decade. TV documentaries and books featured our unsubstantiated friends (the animals and the authors). Even t-shirts were adorned with the adorable Bigfoot.

Where Are They Now?

If we knew the answer to that, we'd write a book too! You don't hear much about them anymore, presumably because they were all lost at sea somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle. But that is another story.


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Nikon ran an ad in the 1990s with the famous Lochness Monster photo and this copy: 'Some people see a monster. We see improper metering, poor lens selection, and a total lack of composition.'

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