Super70s Statistics: Income/GDPBy Patrick Mondout
Here are the income/GDP numbers for the Super70s as well as the most
recent figures available:
Year |
Income |
Domestic Product (GDP, in billions) |
1979 |
$8800 |
$2,566.4 |
1978 |
7900 |
2,295.9 |
1977 |
7000 |
2,031.4 |
1976 |
6400 |
1,823.9 |
1975 |
5900 |
1,635.2 |
1974 |
5500 |
1,501.0 |
1973 |
5000 |
1,385.5 |
1972 |
4500 |
1,240.4 |
1971 |
4300 |
1,128.6 |
1970 |
3900 |
1,039.7 |
1997 |
$25,598 |
$8,759.9 |
Source: Bureau of Economic Analysis. |

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