Brady BunchBy Bret Fetzer
The Brady Bunch never scored high ratings during its five year
run, but this friendly family comedy has remained in reruns ever since,
while bigger hits have slipped into oblivion. Pretty much everyone who
grew up in the Super70s or Awesome80s knows the show inside and out: A
vision of suburban family life so utopian it's as fantastical as Neverland
or Santa's workshop--and just like these imaginary realms, it casts a
spell over every kid who wished all problems could be resolved with a few
wise words, a good-natured shrug, or a winsome smile.
Brady Bunch: The Complete Second Season is indistinguishable from
every other season, but the reassuring formula is crucial to the show's
appeal. Eldest brother Greg (Barry Williams) may decide he's all grown up
and wants a groovy bachelor pad, or eldest sister Marcia (Maureen
McCormick) may get all riled up about women's lib and decide to join the
Frontier Scouts, or super-maid Alice (Ann B. Davis, whose persona is
hilariously similar to Ellen DeGeneres) may fantasize about running off
with an old flame, but by the end of the show you know everything will
return to a zen-like domestic harmony.
Every Brady episode is a classic in some sense, and this first
of five seasons (those kids did grow up fast) includes some real charmers
when the six Brady kids still seemed impossibly young. It's hard to say
the show was ever hip, even though it became slightly more attuned to a
pop sensibility as the Bradys moved into the '70s. But man, is this 1969
everyfamily ever square. Even so, it's hard to resist the way each one
gets their own screen time with shows devoted to simple childhood joys and
traumas--Jan's missing locket, Cindy's missing baby doll, Greg's crush on
his math teacher, Peter's swelled head when he gets his picture in the
paper, etc.
It's all pretty bizarre when you realize that both halves of the family
have suffered the death of a parent! The most angst to be found is the
relentless identity crisis of middle sister Jan (Eve Plumb), who tries to
remove her freckles with lemon juice and buys a curly brunette wig to
forge a new self-image. Nowadays Jan would be a prime candidate for
bulimia, but in the Brady world such psychodrama is unthinkable. This even
emotional keel could have been creepy and antiseptic, but due to the charm
of the kids and the smooth yet earthy presence of Robert Reed and Florence
Henderson as parents Mike and Carol Brady, The Brady Bunch just
seemed nice. You wanted that to be your family. If you watched the
show in your childhood, watching The Brady Bunch: The Complete Second
Season as an adult will lull you into a sweet, blissful dream.
Brady Bunch on
DVD! |
Brady Bunch is now available on DVD! Get it at Amazon.com! Season One, Season Two, Season Three, Season Four |
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Your Memories Shared! |
My favorite episode of the Brady Bunch is episode #98 "Adios Johnny Bravo" which is one of the singing episodes with beautiful Maureen McCormick singing with the rest of the cast. I sure had a crush on Marcia. The Brady Bunch is one of my favorite shows. A fun, ("leave the troubles of the world for a half hour") kind of show. You forgot all your troubles when you watched the Brady's & learned something from the episodes. They don't make TV shows like the Brady's anymore. --Anonymous | Note: This is just a random sample of the Brady Bunch messages in our TV forums! Click here to see what others have said or to post your own comments! |
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Aired: September 26, 1969 - August 30, 2024 |
Cast: Robert Reed, Florence Henderson, Ann B. Davis (Alice Nelson), Maureen McCormick (Marcia), Eve Plumb (Jan), Susan Olsen (Cindy), Barry Williams (Greg), Chris Knight (Peter) Michael Lookinland (Bobby) |
Network: ABC |
Genre: Sitcom |
Theme song: |
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Spinoffs: The Brady Brides, The Brady Bunch Hour, The Bradys | |
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Image courtesy of ABC | |
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